4 posts tagged


Building a CO2 sensor using a Pi PicoW & automating a home ventilation system part 2

Building a CO2 sensor using a Pi PicoW & automating a home ventilation system part 2

The second in a 3-part series giving a walk-through of creating a custom co2 sensor using the raspberry pi picow and hooking it up to a home ventilation system.

Building a CO2 sensor using a Pi PicoW & Automating a Home Ventilation System - Part 1

Building a CO2 sensor using a Pi PicoW & Automating a Home Ventilation System - Part 1

The first in a 3-part series giving a walk-through of creating a custom co2 sensor using the raspberry pi picow and hooking it up to a home ventilation system.

Switchboard v1.0.0 and Switchboard Pro

Switchboard v1.0.0 and Switchboard Pro

Announcing the release of switchboard v1.0.0 and switchboard-pro.

Introducing Switchboard

Introducing Switchboard

In this post I introduce you to switchboard. A CLI tool written in Golang to automatically organise files on your machine.
